Exporting Liked Videos from Youtube


Over the years I’ve collected ~300 favourite videos and unfortunately some of them have been taken down. I have spent some time re-watching the old videos and still enjoy them. Few are just for laughs, some are educational and others are just art. As there are not too many of them, I can just download them all to my archives. 14 videos that were missing on Youtube I’ve recovered from https://web.archive.org

The resulting archive weighs in at just 13G, so it really is a no-brainer to keep it offline.

# https://gist.github.com/guidocella/a272b6e68f9c44532b011f6596e95c61
    echo '# Netscape HTTP Cookie File' # needed by youtube-dl

            IIF(host_key LIKE '.%', 'TRUE', 'FALSE'),
            IIF(is_secure, 'TRUE', 'FALSE'),
            IIF(expires_utc == 0, 0, expires_utc / 1000000 - 11644473600),
        FROM cookies;"

    # There is no attempt to url encode $1, but SQLite already handles
    # characters like spaces, so only ? % and # should cause issues.
    sqlite3 -readonly -separator $'\t' \
        "file:${1:-$HOME/.local/share/qutebrowser}/webengine/Cookies?nolock=1" \
} > cookies.txt
Code Snippet 1: Export qutebrowser cookies for yt-dlp
yt-dlp --ignore-errors \
    --download-archive archive.txt \
    --cookies cookies.txt \
Code Snippet 2: Download everything from the Liked Videos playlist